Weather Emergency Closure/Delay

Welcome to DU’s weather emergency page.

Most likely, you are here because you received an alert from the University, indicating that the campus is closed, has a delayed opening, or will have some other weather-related schedule modification for today. This page is intended to provide additional information beyond the original message received.



  • Students in Residential Housing – Cold Weather

    Students in residential housing, please: 

    • Close your windows as pipes could freeze and/or break, which could lead to leaks or floods.
    • Report concerns with pipes and/or leaks by contacting Facilities (303-871-2200). For after-hours concerns, connect with Campus Safety at 303-871-2334.
    • Reach out to the Housing Office at 303-871-2246 or if you have any questions or concerns.

    If you are outside during the storm, please pay close attention to your surroundings and walk around campus carefully. The anticipated weather conditions will likely include slippery walkways and, potentially, falling branches and/or debris. 

  • Hazardous Conditions

    In the event of hazardous driving conditions, DU encourages students, faculty, and staff to be careful and allow for extra time when traveling to and around campus. 

  • Snow Clearing

    The safety of our community is our top priority. For those residing on campus, please be aware that Facilities Management snow removal protocol prioritizes ADA access routes. This snow clearing map provides information on those locations to better assist you as you navigate the campus. Learn more about Facilities Snow Removal Plan & Policy here


    La seguridad y salud de nuestra comunidad es nuestra prioridad principal. Para aquellos que están residiendo, por favor estén conscientes que el protocolo de remoción de nieve de la Administración de Comodidades da prioridad a rutas de acceso de ADA. El mapa de remoción de nieve proporciona información sobre las locaciones para mejor asistir a la universidad. Pueden obtener más información sobre el plan y policía de Remoción de Nieve aquí

  • When Local School Districts Are Closed

    If area schools close, per DU policy, employees who need to care for a dependent may take time off under the CO Healthy Families and Workplaces Act. Please contact your immediate supervisor regarding any questions or concerns. 

    Faculty members unable to make it to campus for exclusively face-to-face classes must contact their departments to arrange for alternative teaching coverage. 

  • Ritchie Center Operations

    For information on Ritchie Center operations, please visit

  • Ricks Center For Gifted Children

    Ricks Center closure information will be sent via a message from the Director in order to best plan for student, staff and family safety.

  • Fisher

    Fisher will follow the Denver Public Schools’ operating status and will be closed when Denver Public Schools are closed. 

  • Activities

    When the University of Denver is closed, activities are also cancelled. If exceptions are made, it will be on a limited and case-by-case basis. Activities allowed to operate will be listed in the “Updates” section on this page. 

  • Community Commons

    The Community Commons makes every effort to open for normal business hours for dining. Please check the “Updates” section to see if they will have limited hours during this particular instance. If no updates are listed, The Community Commons will be open for dining, operating under normal hours. 

  • University Shuttle Operations

    When the University is closed, the shuttle does not operate. 

  • Online Course Policy

    When the physical University of Denver campus is closed and on-campus classes are canceled because of dangerous conditions resulting from weather, natural disaster or other emergency; University of Denver online courses will continue as normal. If the instructor’s or student’s ability to continue class because of the dangerous conditions or closure, they should adjust their courses per normal division guidelines. 

  • Essential Employees

    Each division and office of the University is responsible for identifying employees who are essential and are required to report to work despite a campus closure or class cancellation.  

  • It Is a Difficult Decision

    There are several factors that go into determining when to delay the opening of campus or when to close campus altogether. In many cases, there are several factors that go into the decision such as prior, current and future weather conditions, road conditions, the ability for staff and faculty to travel to and around campus, and other considerations that may be unique to each situation. DU’s leadership team and Campus Safety take seriously these decisions and spend a great deal of time assessing the many factors that go into making these decisions. 

DU Campus in winter

What You Can Do To Prepare

There are a variety of steps you can take now to prepare for inclement weather

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    Make sure you haven’t opted out of emergency text messages. See and click the sign-up button on the right side of the page.

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    Make sure you are following the University and Campus Safety’s official Twitter and Facebook pages.

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    If you commute, familiarize yourself with bus routes and other alternative transportation. When the snow falls, it may be better to leave the driving to a professional.

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    If you walk to campus, be aware that Denver does not require sidewalks to be cleared immediately or during active snowfall. You may need to use an alternate path.  

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    If you are a student, clarify the expectations with your faculty: When are absences excused and not? How can assignments be made up? How will faculty notify students should they be unable to meet the class?

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    If you are a member of the faculty, give guidance to your students. How will weather affect assignments and deadlines? How must students communicate their inability to travel? How will you notify students that you are unable to attend class?

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    If you are responsible for a university service, how will you notify your clients of your status?

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    If you are responsible for a university event, how will you handle cancelations, refunds and rescheduling?